Rabu, 02 Maret 2016 | By: roiputra

Lupa cara buat buat auto start pada puppy linux

Lagi sedang membuat percobaan beowulf cluster untuk render. Komputer yang dipakai komputer tua semua. Selain itu kemampuan saya yang terbatas he he. Dapat dari forum kira-kira permasalahannya sama. Dicatat siapa tahu lupa kembali.

I have a specific program I want to have start upon bootup in Linux. Is there a way I can do this? I am using Lucid Puppy 5.2

Yes, check the /root/Startup directory... If its an executable file, you can symlink it into that path or create a script. Jawabannya ada disini. Di puppy linux, startup di letakkan di /root/startup. Perhatikan saja file-file yang ada disana.

Kebetulan saya sama dengan dengan yang nanya, sementara ini agar file exe di wine bisa berjalan besamaan dengan komputer booting.

In /root/Startup create a file, let's call it DELTACAD.EXE (but you can call it whatever you like) now right click on it and select Permissions > Yes (that will make it executable).

Right click on it again, and select Open As Text
now enter a line similar to this: (just change the path to the .exe file)
wine "/root/Wine/drive_c/Program Files/DeltaCad/DELTACAD.EXE"

If for any reason you need it to wait a while for something else to start,
simply add a line above it to make it sleep for whatever period (in seconds) that is required.
Something like this:
sleep 5
wine "/root/Wine/drive_c/Program Files/DeltaCad/DELTACAD.EXE"


As wine norlmally has a symlink to c: in the dosdevices directory, t could be
wine "c:\program files\xxx\xxx.exe"

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